Justin Bog is a member of the ITW: International Thriller Writers.
Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and raised in Granville, Ohio by two artists and teachers who met in graduate art school, Justin pursued his own creative path at the University of Michigan. He then received an MFA from Bowling Green State University in Fiction.
Justin moves every twelve years, with three chapters completed. The Michigan years helped a younger Justin see life, all yearnings, as a possibility, while the Sun Valley, Idaho chapter taught Justin to dig deeper, see life as an intricate and rich source for new stories to tell, and now, living in Anacortes, Washington, Justin feels at home. The water is his muse and many of his current tales are set in this island area. Justin lives on Fidalgo Island with his mate of almost 30 years and his long coat German shepherd, Kipling, and his two barn cats, Ajax The Gray and Eartha Kitt’n. R.I.P. Zippy!