It’s raining cats and dogs outside my office window. Kipling is at my feet, and already a great snoozer. I wanted to send out the weekend Kipling Report before I continue working on the writing of my own “serious” fiction, and also before getting back to reading the best Big book of ideas I’ve read in a long time: Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84. Murakami is capable of making what should be a mundane scene pulse with an elegant, yet furious, subtext. This is an instant classic novel if there even is such a thing. When does a novel attain the status of: A Classic? Do a hundred years have to pass?

Kipling reminds me of a bundle of uncontainable energy. She stops only when she wants to stop. Somehow, in my office, she loves lying on my old backpack at my feet (sorry, no photo forthcoming).

Here, Kipling lounged the whole way during her hourlong first car ride home from the breeder; she was too tired to answer the Canadian border guard’s happy questions. Yes, border guards are capable of smiling.

Zippy seems to be handling the addition of Kipling with a stoic and very German Shepherd sense of what Kipling is capable of doing and acting; he’s taken on the Jedi role of Master to her pupil.

However, Zippy still prefers the affection of his buddy Eartha Kitt’n over Kipling. Upon meeting for the first time, Eartha Kitt’n walked right up to Kipling and bussed her on the nose. I wanted a photo of that so badly.

These next two photos were taken the next full day after Kipling’s arrival on Wednesday. This is what Zippy looked like, right down to the floppy ears, when he was Kipling’s age.

Here, Eartha Kitt’n gives her brother, Ajax the Gray, a familiar greeting. If Gandalf had a cat…

Ajax the Gray is so photo shy!

I had to capture him in his element as he played the stalking game outside our barn.

Not all my future Posts will revolve around the addition of Kipling to the growing animal menagerie here on the island. I promise.
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I love this so much! My heart literally turned to goo. π I want to play with all these beautiful babies. <3
I’m happy to pass on the fur love π They’re a very photogenic bunch, two more & call it Brady…
Is it wrong of me to wish you’d post nothing else but Kipling? And Zippy? And Eartha? And Ajax?And did I happen to mention I’d really like to live where you live. Man that scenery is gorgeous!In all seriousness, Kipling is so sweet. She’s gorgeous, and I hope she looks just like the ever majestic Zippy when she’s grown up, because he’s one handsome dude!
Seems like Kipling’s going to have to get a spot on the Pet Wall reserved for her. “You musta been a beautiful babeeeee….”
The love of a puppy is one of the sweetest things on earth. Such a cute puppy too! You’re gonna have a hard time keeping to that promise of not posting her picture every time you blog…LOL
Oh. My. Gooosssssh! (makes oogie oogie faces at your pets)I’ve been thinking about adding to our zoo here, but…but…must resist. Must! Kipling sure makes me lose resolve on the no more pets rule quickly. π
Thank you Blake! The way Kipling’s ego grows too, daily, she’ll try to take over the current Pet Wall and form an army of worshippers π
Erica – Thank you too! No more Kipling Posts. No more Kipling Posts. Keep repeating… LOL
ZC, wow, I watched the videos of your puppy, The Mancha, and I was floored. Kipling wants his Quixotic resume, quick, for bodyguard position once she announces her reign as Mistress Diva to Blake’s Pet Wall minions π
From Anonymous: Justin, your last blog was so beautiful and touching for so many reasons. You are a talented writer with a gorgeous mind, a priceless personal life and so much love in you and around you it’s inspiring to be your friend. I am so glad you exist in this world; we are all so much richer for knowing you…….
What great pics! Love that Zippy and Eartha (possibly the world’s coolest pet name) are pals. Eartha Kitt’n HA!
Very nice of you to say, Landon…and I couldn’t agree with you more…and Eartha Kitt’n has a secret she said I couldn’t tell you π
Ha! Very clever…